When it comes to constructing a new building or renovating an old one, one of the most integral aspects to consider is its plumbing systems. After all, plumbing doesn’t just mean fixing a leaky faucet or unclogging a drain.

At its core, plumbing is the intricate network of pipes and drains that move water to and from a structure, ensuring that we have access to clean water and effective waste removal.

To gain a deeper understanding, let’s delve into the 3 main types of plumbing systems: sanitary drainage, stormwater drainage, and potable water.

1. Sanitary Drainage System

The primary purpose of the sanitary drainage system is to remove wastewater from inside a building. This includes water from bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry facilities.

A proper sanitary drainage system ensures that all the wastewater from these areas is efficiently channeled into the public sewage system or a private septic tank.

Key Features:

  • It utilizes a series of pipes, traps, and vents to transport wastewater.
  • Prevents the entry of harmful gases and unpleasant odors into the building.
  • Requires routine maintenance to avoid blockages and ensure efficient operation.

2. Stormwater Drainage System

When we talk about types of plumbing systems, the stormwater drainage system often gets overshadowed by its counterparts.

However, it plays a crucial role, especially in areas prone to heavy rainfalls. Its primary function is to carry away rainwater from roofs, patios, driveways, and other outdoor areas, preventing flooding and potential water damage.

Key Features:

  • Typically consists of gutters, downspouts, and underground drain pipes.
  • Directs water away from the building’s foundation to avoid structural damages.
  • Stormwater can be channeled into public stormwater systems, drainage ponds, or rainwater harvesting systems.

3. Potable Water System

Of all the types of plumbing systems, the potable water system is arguably the most vital for our daily lives. It ensures that we have a continuous supply of clean and safe drinking water. This system involves sourcing, treating, and distributing water to various fixtures and appliances in a building.

Key Features:

  • Sourced from wells, reservoirs, or municipal water supplies.
  • Treated to meet health and safety standards before distribution.
  • Distributed to various fixtures through a pressurized network of pipes.

3 Main Types of Plumbing Systems: Conclusion

To ensure the health and safety of a building’s occupants and maintain the building’s structural integrity, all 3 main types of plumbing systems must function seamlessly.

Whether it’s the sanitary system removing wastewater, the stormwater system handling rain runoff, or the potable water system delivering fresh drinking water, each plays a critical role in our daily lives.

If you’re constructing or renovating a building, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with these systems and ensure they are installed and maintained correctly.
