Clogged drains are one of the most common plumbing headaches that homeowners and property managers encounter, but it doesn’t have to mean a costly repair call. While some blockages require professional assistance from a plumber, there are many cases where drain clogs can be cleared on your own with just a few simple tools.

Knowing what could be causing the clog in the first place is key – and that’s why we’ve rounded up five of the most common causes of pipe blockage and drainage problems so you can explore potential explanations for any persistent blockage issues.

So, keep reading if you want to discover practical ways to prevent future backups and restore healthy functioning in your home’s plumbing!

1. Hair buildup

Hair is a common cause of drains becoming clogged as it sticks to the walls of the pipe and accumulates over time

Have you ever experienced a clogged drain in your shower or sink? It’s frustrating and can take forever to drain properly. More often than not, the culprit is hair buildup. Hair clings to the walls of pipes, accumulating over time and effectively blocking the flow of water.

This issue is especially prevalent in households with long-haired occupants, but it can happen to anyone. Luckily, there are ways to prevent hair buildup and keep your drains running smoothly.

2. Grease and oil

Cooking oils, fats, and grease are major culprits for clogged drains

Cooking oils, fats, and grease can make even the most delicious meals. However, they’re not so tasty when they’re clogging up your drains. Unfortunately, these slick substances are some of the biggest culprits when it comes to blocked plumbing.

When hot grease cools, it can solidify and cling to the inside of pipes, causing blockages over time. Even small amounts of oil or grease in wastewater can accumulate over time, causing big problems.

The best way to prevent these issues is to never pour grease or oil down your sink. Instead, allow it to cool and solidify before putting it in the trash. With a little effort, you can help keep your pipes flowing smoothly and reduce the risk of plumbing disasters.

3. Soap scum

Buildup from soap and detergent can create a film that will eventually bind to other debris, leading to clogs

Soap scum is one of the peskiest household chores that can frustrate even the most dedicated cleaner. It’s the filmy layer that accumulates in bathtubs, shower doors, and sink basins after a few washes.

More often than not, it’s a sign of hard water and mineral buildup combined with soap residue. Over time, soap scum can be a problem, as it binds to other debris and can eventually lead to clogs. While soap and detergent may be necessary to keep our bodies and homes clean, it’s vital to keep on top of soap scum to prevent it from claiming its territory in our homes.

4. Food particles

Food particles such as rice, pasta, and even small pieces of fruit can leave residue in your pipes that builds up over time

You might love pasta and rice, but your plumbing definitely doesn’t. Food particles like those can cause issues when they make their way into the pipes.

The little bits of food that manage to slip down the drain can accumulate over time, leading to residue build-up and clogging. Even seemingly harmless chunks of fruit and vegetables can block your pipes when they get stuck.

So, if you want to keep your plumbing in tip-top shape, be sure to properly dispose of any food particles and avoid letting them go down the drain.

5. Foreign objects

Foreign objects such as toys or jewelry can find their way into the drain and cause a blockage

Ever accidentally dropped a toy or piece of jewelry down the drain? We’ve all been there. But did you know that these foreign objects can cause some serious blockages in your plumbing?

Over time, as more and more items accumulate in your pipes, the water flow can become restricted or even completely stopped. And let’s be honest, who wants to deal with a plumbing emergency caused by a Barbie shoe or earring?

So next time you notice something has fallen into the drain, don’t hesitate to retrieve it before it becomes a bigger problem. Your pipes (and your wallet) will thank you.

Causes of Clogged Drains: Conclusion

In conclusion, the causes of clogged drains are varied and include anything from hair buildup to foreign objects. To avoid this problem entirely, it would be wise to practice proper drain maintenance.

Making sure that only approved items go down your drain such as water, biodegradable soap, and washing detergent can make a huge difference in avoiding clogs. Regularly cleaning out strainers and investing in an enzyme-based cleaner are also great preventative measures for maintaining healthy drains.

It is important to address any suspected clogs as soon as possible before the debris builds up completely and causes significant damage to pipes or water lines. Taking proactive steps now can help ensure your plumbing system runs smoothly for years to come.
