Winter is a tough time for plumbing systems. Cold temperatures, winter storms, and other harsh winter weather conditions can wreak havoc on your home’s pipes and fixtures. If you want to avoid costly repair bills, it’s important to be aware of common winter plumbing problems and how to address them.

Frozen Pipes: Frozen pipes are one of the most common winter plumbing problems. Cold winter temperatures can cause water inside your pipes to freeze and expand, which can lead to bursting pipes. To help prevent frozen pipes, keep your home heated to at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, open cabinets under sinks to let in warm air and insulate any exposed piping with foam insulation. Additionally, it’s important to check for any small leaks or drips that can cause frozen pipes.

Frozen Drains: Frozen drains can be another of the most common winter plumbing issues. If a drain pipe is exposed to cold winter temperatures, it can cause the water in the trap to freeze and solidify, blocking the passage of air and forming a vacuum that can cause water to siphon out of the trap. To help prevent frozen drains, insulate any exposed pipes with foam insulation. Additionally, check your drains regularly for signs of freezing and make sure you know where the shut-off valve is located in case of an emergency.

Water Heater Problems: Cold winter temperatures can also cause problems with your water heater. Since the winter air is colder than normal, your water heater has to work harder to keep your home’s water temperature at a comfortable level. This can result in higher energy bills and may even lead to sediment build-up, which can reduce the efficiency of your water heater and increase the risk of water heater failure. To prevent winter water heater problems, make sure you regularly maintain your water heater and check for any signs of sediment build-up or corrosion.

Clogged Drains: Clogged drains are another of the most typical winter plumbing issues we see. Cold winter temperatures can cause grease, soap scum, and other debris to build up in your drains, leading to clogs. To prevent winter drain clogs, make sure you regularly clean and maintain your drains by using a natural cleaner or an enzyme-based product. Additionally, consider investing in a drain guard to catch any debris before it reaches the drain.

Common Winter Plumbing Issues: Conclusion

If you’re dealing with winter plumbing problems, don’t wait until they become serious. Contact a licensed plumber as soon as possible to help diagnose and address the issue before it gets worse. With winter plumbing maintenance, you can avoid costly repair bills and keep your pipes in good condition all winter long.
